Hi guys! I was very fortunate this year at my birthday to be gifted several new tarot and oracle decks, and one of those was Dragon Path Oracle cards. I am absolutely in love with this deck, and have wanted to do an in-depth reading with the deck for a while. I thought I’d give it a try here so we can explore these cards together and see what kind of messages we get out of it.
A little background: I never even considered working with dragons for a reading until I stumbled on the Etsy shop MysticalOracleCards, and saw a dragon reading available from the shop owner, Melanie. Now, I have always loved dragons since I was little, and was particularly connected to Maleficient from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, who turned into a magnificent black dragon at the end of the movie. I always pictured that there was a dragon in me, or that I was maybe even part dragon, and ready to turn into one the moment someone crossed me. Dragons seemed so powerful and wonderful, and they made me feel powerful. So when I saw a dragon reading available, I did not hesitate to order it, and Melanie did not disappoint! (I’ll note here that I don’t earn any commission or anything for recommending this shop – I just really, really loved this reading.) After that, I started exploring how I can do my own work with dragons. Melanie’s reading provided some great meditations to get started, and I started seeking out a dragon oracle deck that I felt connected to.
That’s when I found the Dragon Path Oracle cards (available on Amazon – I do earn commission from this link 🙂 ), and added it to my Amazon wish list. I was thrilled to finally get it! They are beautiful cards, and identify different dragons and what they are bringing to you. So, let’s get to the reading!
Who is in our dragon council today?

Our first dragon is Confidence, and according to the guidebook, he is here to be forthright about what we need to do: “You can’t sit there wallowing in self pity, you have a job to do, so get on with it!” He does not mince words! I don’t know about you, but I love a good kick in the pants, and it’s especially intense coming from this big, beastly dragon. This resonates with me especially as I have lately been mentally spinning my wheels about some major changes I need to make in my life. I’m glad this guy showed up to remind me to stop thinking, and just start doing the work.
Next we have Merlin, who is one of the Grand Master dragons. Merlin is described as the “teacher of the teachers,” and he says we need to move forward on our journeys discovering what we need to understand, learn, and own. Before we can teach others, we must understand the lessons ourselves. To me, this falls right in line with Confidence telling us to get off our butts and get to work. We need to get out there and start doing, and make sure we learn from it at the same time. This will equip us to be able to help and teach others as they begin their journeys.
Third is Platinum, who just looks like a rock star if you ask me. He’s got some large crystal typhoon filled with chakra orbs, so I’m guessing he’ll be helping us balance our energy. The guidebook tells us that he is the keeper of secrets, and he will help show us what we need to learn and recall, and he will guide us through the chakra energy system during meditation to bring us new energy. In the council’s journey today, we have been told to take action, and to make sure we learn from those actions, and Platinum is here telling us to meditate on exactly what it is we learned. Taking pauses to meditate on our journey will restore us, give new energy to our chakras, and help us see clearly what we are meant to learn.
Fourth is Destiny, who tells us to live our lives on our terms, and not to worry about what other’s think. She looks angry on this card, and to me it’s a perfect “I don’t give an effff” image. She strikes me as a real badass, and I love her message. As we venture on our journeys, we should stay true to ourselves, don’t try to always be light and fluffy and pretty to please others. Instead, push forward on what you stand for and what you believe in, and be the change you want to see.
Our last card is Grace, who sits on a branch in a calm and beautiful nighttime setting. Before even looking at the guidebook, I feel she is here to close out our reading with a message of forgiveness for our faults and the faults of others. We will always stumble as we move forward in our journeys, but we can’t let it stop us. And as I look in the guidebook, that is exactly what she is here to say. “There is no such thing as failure, there is only an experience to learn from… You are more than you can possibly imagine.” Beautiful.
I love these dragon path oracle cards so much! I hope you enjoyed this reading, and I hope you go out and try working with dragons a bit for yourself. They are so powerful and beautiful and strong and magnificent. Blessings to you all!
And now for some links! I earn a small commission from Amazon if you click through the links below and purchase something, and this does not affect the price you pay in anyway. I appreciate your support!
The deck used here is the Dragon Path Oracle deck, available on Amazon. Click through to see the current price:
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