How To Shuffle Cards Like a Pro

How to shuffle cards like a pro

Like the title suggests, I’m going to talk about how to shuffle cards like a pro – specifically, how to shuffle your tarot and oracle cards. But first I need to put a disclaimer: I am profoundly terrible at shuffling cards. It doesn’t bother me when I do readings for others because I just let them know that one’s ability to shuffle does not impact ones ability to connect with spirit and read intuitively. But I have been wanting to start doing video readings, and my inability to shuffle impressively has me a bit nervous. So, I’m writing this article in the hopes that we can learn together.

Next off, I’m going to cheat a little bit, and just drop a YouTube video that struck me as great for learning how to shuffle (my article continues after the video):

First, I love this guy’s accent, and I love the way breaks the shuffles down so you can clearly see what he’s doing. I honestly never had anyone teach me how to shuffle cards, I just do my own bastardized version based on what I saw others doing.

But no more! I’m planning to start with the very first shuffle in this video, and I might video myself practicing and trying to get better. This might help me get over my camera shyness.

Some questions I had that you might have as well:

How long does it take to learn to shuffle cards?

From some quick googling, it seems that it might take anywhere from 2 hours to 2-3 months of focused practice to get really good at it. That’s quite a range! So I have no idea how long it will take. I’m at a level where I can sufficiently mix up the cards, I just look awkward as hell doing it, so hopefully I have a little head start from that.

Since I plan to document my learning, I’ll be able to see how long it takes for someone at my semi-sufficient level.

What kind of card shuffling techniques should you learn?

All of them! But, seriously, my goal is to at least be able to do a couple of basic shuffles so that I don’t look ridiculous on video. If it isn’t too difficult to learn those, then I’ll expand to learn more. I’d love to be able to do some fancy shuffles and tricks while reading.

Why learn how to shuffle cards like a pro?

Because it looks cool as hell!!! In the video above, he also shows how to do neat little tricks like spinning the card on your finger. He’s talking from a perspective of being a professional card dealer at a casino, but image doing a tarot reading and being able to do fancy card tricks!

Like I said above, it does nothing to impact your ability as a reader, but it can certainly add to the fun you can have in a reading, and help your clients leave with that wow factor that feels so good to give people.

And, if you’re like me, you might want to read on video someday, and fancy card handling will make those videos pop.

Good luck to all of you who are learning to shuffle with me! I will update this post once I have started documenting my practice.

And now for some links! I earn a small commission from Amazon if you click through the links below and purchase something, and this does not affect the price you pay in anyway. I appreciate your support!

If you want a book to help you learn how to impress everyone with your card handling skills, then try out the picture-filled Magic Card Tricks, available on Amazon:

This is also a great article with different shuffling techniques and simple step-by-step instructions: Learn How to Shuffle Cards

If you’d like a free copy of the tarot cheat sheets I use in my practice, and to receive my newsletter to stay up to date on my latest blog posts, sign up here: Tarot Elements Cheat Sheets

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