Want to get better at reading cards, hone your intuitive skills, get familiar with a new deck, and increase your reach to find new tarot reading clients? Then you’ll want to know how to do a daily tarot reading!
I’ve practiced daily card pulls to achieve a lot of my tarot reading goals, and to reinvigorate my love of tarot on a daily basis. I’d like to share with you what I do during these daily readings to keep myself motivated, having fun, and productive.
Here are some important things to keep in mind to make your daily reading more effective:
Set a Schedule for Your Daily Readings
Determining a specific time and place when you will do your daily readings is an important part of being able to stick with it. You’ll need about 5 to 30 minutes of time depending on how in-depth your are with your daily readings, and a quiet place where you can focus on the reading without distractions.
Once you’ve determined a good time, set a reminder or an alarm to go off 5 minutes before that time every day. This will remind you that your reading is coming up, and give you time to get to your specific place, and mentally prepare.

Let your loved ones know that you need this time every day to focus on yourself and this thing that you are passionate about. I was open with my family about needing some time every day to do a reading for myself, and there were prepared to give me the space I needed. They might even be the ones to encourage you to go do your reading when you are not in the mood on a particular day. Never underestimate the value of the support of your loved ones!
Make sure the space you have chosen is clean and quiet enough that you can focus on the cards without feeling distracted by noise or clutter. If it helps, you can setup candles, ornaments, or anything else that helps you feel relaxed and connected to your higher self. Some people like crystals, books, or decorations. You could even put some motivational quotes around your space to help your head get in the right place before a reading.
Set Your Intention Before Each Reading
Sometimes it’s nice to pull some cards without asking anything specific, to see what the cards want to say to you, but doing this too often causes you to miss out on gaining valuable insight into certain areas of your life. So, make sure to set an intention or ask a specific question before you pull your cards for the day.
You might want to ask about your career, your love life, a family situation, a relationship with a coworker or friend, an important decision you need to make, or even something fun like what outfit you should wear that day. Having varied intentions leads to more varied readings, and will help you exercise different reading muscles.
Setting an intention is especially helpful if you are planning to use your daily readings as part of a marketing plan for your tarot business. Often people aren’t sure what exactly tarot can help them with, and general readings don’t give them specific enough advice to let them see how this is applicable to their lives. However, a reading that answers a specific question about, for instance, what they should do about their ex reaching out to them can help them see that tarot is good at addressing specific problems. Even if it doesn’t connect to that particular potential client at that particular moment, it can help them see the value of tarot.
Choose a Deck
This is one of the fun parts. For your daily tarot reading, you can pick a deck you feel drawn to, one that feels right for the reading, or a new deck that you want to explore. Or, you can decide to use the same deck for multiple days in a row in order to explore it thoroughly.
If you choose to use the same deck multiple days in a row, I like to not replace and reshuffle the cards for each reading. This way I know I won’t draw the same card multiple days in a row, and I’ll get to explore more of the deck. You could alternately choose to reshuffle and see if the deck chooses to show you the same card multiple times – this is part of the fun of reading!
If you are choosing a deck at the beginning of your reading, you can look through what you have and ask yourself if any particular deck seems extra appealing to you. Another strategy is to think about the intention or question you have for the reading that day, and see if any of your decks feel particularly geared to that reading. For example, if you have a very serious question about how to deal with the grief of losing a friend, you might go for a darker or heavier deck instead of something lighthearted and fun.
Do the Reading!
This is the really fun part! Begin drawing cards, and see what you get. Start to interpret what the cards are trying to tell you. You are being a real tarot reader right now!
Document the Reading
Some people like to journal their daily readings, as a personal record of what they’ve seen in the cards, what they answered for themselves, and to reinforce what they are learning about the meanings behind the cards. I did this quite a bit when I was starting out. You don’t have to just write in a journal either – you can draw pictures of what you are seeing, thinking, and feeling to document what you read.
If you enjoy sharing your readings, or you are trying to do some online marketing to attract clients, you can post your daily readings to social media or a blog, or even video them and post them to YouTube or TikTok. This is a great way to give people a taste of what your readings are like, and to get feedback on what people like about your reading style. One word of caution – you might also get feedback on what people aren’t liking about your readings, so be prepared for that. Examine if the negative feedback is helpful for you – if it is, consider making a change in how you read, and if it is not, just ignore (or block!) that user and move on! As long as you trust yourself, and you are enjoying your process, then you are on your way to becoming a great reader.
I hope this was a helpful guide on how to do daily tarot readings! Go out there and fun with your daily practice! If you found it helpful, please feel free to share this article on social media.
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If you like tarot life memes (and who doesn’t??), give me a follow on Instagram: @monicastarot
A great book to read alongside starting a daily tarot reading practice is Your Tarot Toolkit. It will help you advance your skills rapidly, and learn to apply tarot to daily life. It is available on Amazon:
Want a fun deck to explore during your daily readings? Try the Magical Dogs Tarot, available on Amazon:
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